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PResstige Presse Meldung

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In a dynamic media landscape where efficiency, professionalism and speed are crucial, Presstige Press Asset Management from Presstige.at offers a tailor-made solution to help companies and organisations meet the challenges of press relations.

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In a dynamic media landscape where efficiency, professionalism and speed are crucial, Presstige Press Asset Management from Presstige.at offers a tailor-made solution to help companies and organisations meet the challenges of press relations.


The demands on press teams and communications departments today are more diverse and complex than ever. Responding quickly to media enquiries, providing up-to-date content and seamless collaboration between internal teams and external partners are essential. Presstige Press Asset Management was developed specifically to meet these requirements. The innovative platform simplifies the management and use of press data and media assets and takes communication to a new level.


The advantages in detail


Central organisation of all press data and media assets:

With Presstige Press Asset Management, companies can store and manage all relevant content - from press releases to images, videos and documents - in one place. This provides a better overview and avoids redundant filing or lengthy search processes.


Seamless collaboration and real-time coordination:

Thanks to cloud-based technology, the platform enables smooth collaboration between internal teams, external partners and journalists. Changes, approvals and updates can be made in real time, which significantly speeds up work processes.


Saving time through intelligent functions:

Presstige offers smart search functions, automatic categorisation and tags that guarantee content can be found quickly. Users benefit from an intuitive user interface that makes working with the platform pleasant and efficient.


Customised solutions for a professional appearance:

Presstige Press Asset Management offers customisable press sections for websites that reflect a company's corporate design. This not only allows companies to work more efficiently internally, but also to present a standardised, professional image externally.


Security and rights management at the highest level:

The platform has sophisticated rights and approval management. Companies retain full control over their data and can ensure that only authorised persons have access to sensitive content.


Scalability and flexibility:

Presstige can be used flexibly and grows with the needs of companies. Whether small teams or large organisations - the platform offers the right solution for every size.

Targeted press relations made easy. Presstige Press Asset Management is more than just a tool - it is a strategic partner for companies that want to future-proof their press relations.


"Our platform was developed with the aim of simplifying press relations and helping companies to place their messages in an efficient and targeted manner. We know how important professional management of press data is in today's media world," says Bernhard Seikmann, founder of Presstige.


The platform was developed specifically for the requirements of communications departments, PR agencies and marketing teams. It is suitable for companies in any industry and of any size - from start-ups and medium-sized companies to international corporations.


A strong partner for the media work of tomorrow

With an innovative combination of technology, ease of use and customised solutions, Presstige Press Asset Management is setting new standards in press relations. The company prides itself on providing its customers with first-class tools and excellent support.


PResstige ist eine österreichische SaaS Press Asset Manamement Lösung für PR-Agenturen und Unternehmen. Das Managementsystem für Presseinhalte, Pressekontakte und Pressemailings ermöglicht die integrierte, workflowbasierte Medienarbeit im Team, mit weltweitem Zugriff, von jedem Endgerät aus. Pressemailings können in nur 60 Sekunden individuell erstellt und personalisiert versendet werden. PResstige reduziert dabei die Mailgröße zu herkömmlichen Pressemailings auf 1% und bietet gleichzeitig einen vielfach höheren Servicegrad für Medien und Journalisten.
PResstige ist ein Venture des Wiener Digital Business Developers WUNDERWERK. Gegründet 2013, zählt PResstige heute über 100 nationale und internationale PR-Agenturen und Unternehmen zu seinen Kunden und ist mit über 6 Millionen Presseaussendungen Marktführer für individuell gestaltete Pressemailings in Österreich. Das Business-Modell basiert auf monatlichen Flattfees, unabhängig von der Anzahl an Aussendungen oder Bildern.

uncovr ist der weltweit erste Originalquellendienst für Medien und Journalisten zur Recherche von Presseinhalten.  uncovr durchsucht die Pressewebseiten, Newsrooms und Pressemailings tausender Unternehmen, PR-Agenturen und Nachrichtendienste und stellt die Inhalte zentral auf uncovr.com bereit. Medien und Journalisten können Presseinhalte direkt in tausenden Quellen recherchieren, die aktuellsten Meldungen als Newsstream abrufen und Unternehmen und Inhalten folgen. Zentral, auf einer einzigen Plattform.
Die Aufnahme in den uncovr Suchindex ist kostenlos und erfolgt via Newsroom Monitoring (Snippets mit Verweis auf die Originalquelle) oder E-Mail Publising (gesamtes Pressemailing im Original). Der Suchindex erfasst aktuell über 70.000 Newsrooms von Unternehmen, Agenturen und Pressediensten mit über 1 Million Presseinhalten aus dem deutschrachigen Raum und liefert bis zu 1.500 neue Pressemeldungen täglich. 


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Bernhard J. Seikmann (Pressekontakt)
Mag. Bernhard J. Seikmann 
T: +43 (0)1 361 66 77 14
M: +43 676 544 66 39

Severin Kepplinger (Homewide)
uncovrSearch / uncovrAnalytics / uncovrTrend
Severin Kepplinger, MA MA BA BA
T: +43 (0)1 361 66 77 11
E: sk@uncovr.com